Afghan Campaign  1841-1842 Memorial


A memorial  to men of the 44th Essex  who fell in the Afghan campaign was erected in Alverstoke Church, Hampshire and in 1926 moved to the Essex Regiment Chapel at Warley.

The names commemorated are

Colonel T Mackrell ADC to her Majesty

Major W B Scott

Captain T Swaine

Captain R B McRea

Captain T R Leighton

Captain T Robinson

Captain T C Collins

Lieut W H Dodgin

Lieut W G White

Lieut F M Wade

Lieut A Hogg

Lieut E S Cumberland

Lieut W G Raban

Lieut H Cadett

Lieut S Swinton

Lieut F J C Fortye

Lieut A W Gray

Paymaster T Rourke

Q M Lieut R R Halalan

Surgeon J Harcourt

Asst Surgeon W Balfour

Asst Surgeon W Primrose