44th Essex Casualties at Crimea 1854-1855

The 44th Essex were part of the forces under the command of Lord Raglan in the Crimean War.

The following casualties were listed in a bulletin issued by Lord Raglan to cover the Battle of The Alma on 20 September 1854


Pte T Horsfall


Cpl J Walsh

Pte T Mitchell

Pte R Crook

Pte J Hoey

Pte T Deigan

Pte H Suddy

Pte T Hogan

The following casualties were listed in a bulletin issued by Lord Raglan to cover the period 13 to 17th October 1854


Cpl James Pithers

Pte Thomas Kenedy

Pte William Warr


Lieutenant Wood

Sergeant James Holland

Pte Nelson Dunlary

Pte Joseph Shambrook

Pte Henry Hooks

The following casualties were listed in a bulletin issued by Lord Raglan to cover the period 18 to 20th October 1854


Drummer F Neill


Captain A Browne

Lt M Bradford

Asst Surgeon J Gibbins

Cpl H Simmons

Cpl R Young

Pte John Keane

Pte W Kearns

Pte J Magann

Pte J Black

Pte W Doole

Pte T M'Peake

Pte S Thompson

The following casualties were listed in a bulletin issued by Lord Raglan to cover the period 22nd October to 1st November 1854


Pte Benjamin Ford

The following casualties were listed in a bulletin issued by Lord Raglan to cover the period 8 to 11 January 1855


Pte John Burns

The following casualties died in hospitals at Scutari in December 1854 to january 1855

Dec 14 1854 Pte John Baker following amputation

Dec 14 1854 Pte Walter Campion Rheumatism

Jan 3 1855 Pte James Simpson Diarrhoea

Jan 4th 1855 Pte Jas Farrer Chronic Rheaumatism

Jan 6 1855 Pte Robert Harris Noemoptysis

Jan 10 1855 Pte John Galler  Diarrhoea

Jan 10 1855 Pte David Harvey Diarrhoea

Jan 12 1855 Pte Robert Silver Rheaumatism

Jan 12 1855 Pte Henrey Bowman Dysentery

Jan 12 1855 Pte James Ball Diarrhoea

Jan 12 1855 Pte John Liddy Dysentery

Jan 14 1855 Pte Robert Brennan Febris

Jan 15 1855 Pte James Murray Hepatitus

Jan 16 1855 Pte William Hewson Diarrhoea

Jan 17 1855 Pte Andrew Holmes Dysentery

Jan 17 1855 Pte John Inkertale Scorbutis

Jan 18 1855 Pte Thomas Marks Diarrhoea

Jan 18 1855 Pte John Linton Diarrhoea

On Board the Troopship Pedestrian  in Harbour January 1855

Pte Charles McClusky

Pte William Agnew

Pte William Mitchell

Pte Stephen Didey

Pte William Bence

On Board the Troopship Australia

Feb 6 1855 Cpl George Powell Dropsy