Second Lieutenant Hugh Baldock MC

Hugh Baldock had British parents but was living in Argentine at the outbreak of the Great War.

He travelled to the UK and enrolled as Private 1275 Baldock in 2nd King Edward's Horse which was a Cavalry Unit that was stationed in London on mobilisation and seems to have attracted a number of expatriates.

During the war he was granted a commission as Temporary Second Lieutenant with the 2nd Essex but was soon attached to the 15th Essex.

He proved his bravery in battle and was awarded the MC with the below citation

On 21 September 1918 at Two Tree Farm near to Laventie when he showed great determination and organisation in a raid on a strongly held position.

After cutting through the wire to reach the post he surprised the enemy and killed three of them himself. When the party was returning under heavy machine gun fire he beat off two bombing attacks and brought back his wounded under difficult conditions.

He survived the Great War and returned to Argentine with his newly married english wife.