Captain Stanes Brocket Chamberlayne

Captain Chamberlayne was a member of the West Essex Militia under the command of Lt Colonel Duckett.

He derived income from property in Soho.

On 13  April 1809 he appeared before a court martial, in the state room of Portsmouth Garrison, brought by Lt Colonel Duckett on a charge of using behaviour unbecoming of an Officer and a gentleman.

The charge read -

For having in the public mess room at Haslar Barracks , asserted that he would not believe Lieut Colonel  Duckett, if a bible was put into his hands, and he was to swear ; and that he looked up him to be that sort of fellow, that he would not believe him by God Almighty, if he took a solemn oath on the bible, and that he, Lieut Colonel Ducker, was the greatest courtier and poltroon in England, or words to that effect, a conduct and behaviour scandalous and unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman.

The case attracted great interest in the country being printed by most newspapers in the country.

Once the charges were made Captain Chamberlayne requested and was granted an adjournment for his defence during which he appears to have admitted an outburst but denied some of the wording.

The verdict was guilty although the court accepted that he had not used the word 'fellow'.

He was dismissed from the West Essex Militia which was a sentence that was considered to bring shame on an Officer.

After the hearing Mr Chamberlayne threated that he would privately publish a full account of the matter to ensure that the public heard the full story. He was prohibited to do so for a three month period. There is no records of this account being published.

In practice both Chamberlayne and Duckett suffered in the public gaze on newspapers!

The sentence was later ratified by the King.

The sentence does not appear to have damaged the Chamberlayne family as they appeared to retain their prosperity in the following years including family members enjoying successful careers in the military.