Private 2173 John Jackson  DCM

John Jackson joined the Territorial 7th Essex Battalion on 17 June 1913  and  so was mobilised at the outbreak of war. After training in the UK he sailed with the Battalion landing on 11 August 1915 at Gallipoli.

On 16 August 1915, just five days after he arrived, he received wounds at Sulva Bay from which he was never to recover as on 5th May 1916 following treatment he was discharged from the Army and awarded a Silver War Badge.

He was obviously very active in those five days. The war diary does not mention his role but records the trouble with Turkish snipers and the large number of casualties from sniping.

On 3 June 1916 the London Gazette records the award of a DCM. The citation reads - For conspicuous gallantry in stalking and shooting snipers, frequently alone.

On 13 July 1916, he appeared in the London Gazette again, this time Mentioned in despatches.

He was awarded the British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1915 Star  Croix de Guerre and the DCM.

In April 1916 on his return to Yeovil following treatment he married Louisa Barrett

John died on 8 December 1916, at the age of 44 years, from wounds suffered at Sulva Bay,at his home in Gordon Road, Yeovil.