Francis Roland Keeble MC and bar

Francis Keeble was born on 28 June 1895 , the son of Mr J R Keeble JP of Brantham Hall, Suffolk.

He attended school at Dunheved College, Launceston in Cornwell .

He joined the 13th Essex as a Second Lieutenant leaving with them fro France on 17 November 1915. While in France he gained promotion to Lieutenant..

In 1916 he received training in trench raids to gain prisoners and obtain information.

This resulted in a raid on a German Trench for which he received a Military Cross.

For conspicuous gallantry during a successful raid. He was the first man into the enemy trenches  and shot three of the enemy before he was wounded.

Following the raid the tactics were to be taken into use as a standard in British Army information gathering.

He was promoted to acting Captain and in 1918 received a bar to the Military Cross.

On 8 April 1928 he married Florence Mae Small at Brantham Parish Church and went on to farm at Drunthan Lodge near Brantham until his death in 1960.