Essex Regiment captured on video

The Essex Regiment features in some of the early motion pictures. Given that this media only started to be used just before the start of the Great War many of the films are still in copyright which means that this website has decided to list those available on other sites rather than displaying on site.

To view the clips click on the source hyperlink

Year Title Source Description
1914 Essex Volunteers British Pathe 1,400 volunteers inspected by Lord French at Chelmsford
1917 Essex Volunteers British Pathe Essex Volunteers inspected by Duke of Connaught
WW1 Essex Regiment You Tube Essex Regiment men working on road clearance
1925 Colchester Barracks British Pathe Parade of Scottish Guards at Colchester Barracks
1926 1st Battalion British Pathe Chelmsford- 1st Battalion return home after 27 years away
1931 Colchester Barracks British Pathe Parade by Middlesex Regiment at Colchester Barracks
1934 1st Battalion Parade British Pathe 1st Battalion on parade at Catterick
1935 1st Battalion in Saar British Pathe 1st Battalion return to Catterick from Saar
1935 Colchester Barracks British Pathe Trooping the colour of other Regiments at Colchester Barracks Parade Ground
1937 2nd Battalion You Tube Parade at Khartoum
1937 2nd Battalion British Pathe 2nd Battalion return home after 17 yrs foreign service
1937 Bugle Presentation British Pathe Essex Regiment Members presented with Silver Bugles by Lord Lt of Essex
1937 Colchester Barracks British Pathe Parade at Colchester Barracks
1944 2nd Battalion You Tube Duty in Holland October 1944
1944 2nd Battalion You Tube Zetten on the western front
1956 Memorial Unveiling British Pathe Unveiling of Memorial to troops including Essex Regiment at Nijmegen, Holland
1951-1954 Essex Regiment You Tube Pte Ted Stokes talking about his National Service in Germany & Korea
1958 Essex Regiment You Tube Veterans marsh at Warley to commerate the Battle of Salmanca