Essex Regiment History Committe Members 1923

After World War One the History Sub-Committee decided to publish some books to mark the work of the Essex Units in the war.

In 1923 the members of this committee were drawn from the many Essex Units that participated in the war.

The powerful nature of the men on the committee indicate the strong feeling amongst the soldiers of Essex that the valiant deeds of Essex Regiment and other Essex Units in the Great War and other conflicts should be recorded.

Essex Regiment

Brig Gen R B Colvin CB, MP ( Chairman)

Major-Gen F Ventris CB

1st Battalion

Lt Colonel F W Moffitt DSO

2nd Battalion

Lt Colonel A P Churchill

3rd Battalion

Colonel C H Colvin CB DSO

Lt Colonel A A Crocker OBE

4th Battalion

Lt Colonel A R Meggy

Colonel C H R Taylor OBE

Lt Colonel A R Bryant OBE

Lt Colonel B C Wells DSO

5th Battalion

Lt Colonel J M Welsh

Lt Colonel T A Gibbons DSO

Lt Colonel Sir F C Rasch Bart

6th Battalion

Lt Colonel R F Wall

Lt Colonel B J Ward

Lt Colonel G H McDonald OBE

7th Battalion

Lt Colonel H T Kemball

8th Cyclists Battalion

Colonel J C Tabor

Lt Colonel T J Boulter

9th Battalion

Brig-General G C Lewis CMG, DSO

Lt Colonel H de Sales La Terriere

Major Green

10th Battalion

Lt Colonel T M Banks

11th Battalion

Lt Colonel C H Dumbell DSO

Captain F H Wise MC

13th battalion

Lt Colonel Hornsby Wright

Lt Colonel W C Shepherd OBE

1st Garrison Battalion

Lt Colonel S Goode

2nd Garrison Battalion

Lt Colonel H W Ryan

Essex Regiment Depot

Major H R Bowen DSO

Essex Royal Horse Artillery

Major Right Hon Lord O'Hagan

Lt-Colonel F Hilder MP

Essex Yeomanry

Lt Colonel F H D C Whitmore CMG, DSO

Lt Colonel E Hilll DSO

85th Brigade RFA

Lt Colonel R M Laurie DSO

Lt Colonel H R Wilson DSO

58th E and S Medium Brigade, RGA

Lt Colonel H Jolly ( No 4 Battery)

Essex Royal Garrison Artillery

Lt Colonel C Lloyd OBE

Essex Fortress Royal Engineers

Captain H A D Neville

Captain F W M Herring

East Anglian Divisional Train, RASC

Lt Colonel W S Probert

Lt Colonel C E Shuttleworth

3rd East Anglian Field Ambulance RAMC

Lt Colonel H D Challis MD

Lt Colonel J Oldfield

Lt Colonel G A Troup MD

Transport and Supply Column , RASC

Major E J Upton

Major J C Spencer

Other Members

Right Hon Lord Lambourne CVO - Lord Lt of Essex

Colonel F Landon

Mr H A Krohn CBE

Mr J Tabor CBE

Dr Horace Round

Lt Colonel E U Brabridge

John Wm Burrows - Editor and Compiler

Mr J O Thompson OBE - Hon Secretary