Essex South African War Memorial


The Chelmsford Memorial as it was at the1910 unveiling in Market Road, in the centre at its present site in Bell Meadow and to the far right in Market Road during the Great War.


 This memorial was presented by Sir F Carne Rasche and erected in Market Road, Chelmsford next to the Baptist Church.

It was unveiled on 1 January 1910 by Major-General T E Stephenson TD , commanding the Second Division at Aldershot. Major-General Stephenson commanded the Essex Regiment during the Boer War.

The Essex Chronicle reported that it " was an inspiring and impressive sight with the varied and brilliant uniforms of the officers and the large crowds that assembled. Never before have so many different uniforms been seen in Chelmsford notwithstanding the fact that for many years the old West Essex Militia were garrisoned in the Town"

A parade of troops ( listed below) assembled at the Drill Hall and marched to the memorial site..

3rd Essex with band and colours - Major Anley, Captains Sammutt, Jacoomb, Howard and Maitland (Adj) , Lieutenants Strickland and Disney

Essex Royal Horse Artillery - Lieutenants Kirk and Lord O'Hagan

Essex Yeomanry - Major H L Triton , Lieutenants Parker and Ruggles Brise

Essex Fortress Engineers - Lieutenant Neville

5th Essex -  Major Fred Taylor, Captains W P N Ridley, W G Wenley and P C Yonge , Lieutenants W E Wilson, T M Fitch, V B Odhams, C M Ridley, M S Straight and E D H Wilmott

7th Essex - Captain G F Maysmoor and Lieutenant Johnson

Eastern Mounted Brigade Supply and Transport Column ( Army Service Corps) Captain Soper and Lieutenant Farrow

There were also Boy Scouts and a number of retired members of the Essex Regiment who were able to march in plain clothes with medals so that they may take part in the ceremony.

Other Officers present at the ceremony included

1st Essex  Colonel W C Carter ( Retired)

2nd VBER  Major N A C de H Tufnell ( Retired)

4th Essex Captain A P Churchill ( Adjutant)

5th Essex Captain A H P Rose ( Adjutant)

6th Essex Colonel J Brooker Ward , Captain H B Spence ( Adjutant)

6th Dragoon Guards - Captain F Carne Rasche

Essex Regiment Captain Mead , Mr A H Brown ( Retired)

Grenadier Guards - Lieutenant Guy Rasche

Irish Fusiliers Captain P W Cross

Royal Navy Captain H F Kemble , Lieutenant Kemble

Suffolk Yeomanry Captain B Hope

Unattached - General Sir Edwin Collen, General Ventris, General Claude de Crespigny , Colonel the Hon Alwyne Greville , Colonel S H Colvin, Colonel W F Tufnell, Colonel H Kemble, Colonel Cruickshank, Colonel Johnson , Colonel G Tufnell, Colonel Harry Cooper CMG, Colonel G W Wood, Colonel Maguire, Colonel Stock, Colonel Gepp, Colonel Prowse, Colonel Fleming, Colonel Landon, Colonel Coleman, Major A M Bamford, Major Laurie, Major Carelton, Captain Lescher DSO, Captain Wellesley, Captain G Pigott, Captain Braithwaite ( Adjutant to Gen Stephenson), Captain Howard, Captain Watson and Lieutenant Bowen

Memorial Details

The Memorial has the inscription- To the glory of God and in memory of the Officers, Warrant Officers, Non Commissioned Officers and men of the Essex regiment who were killed in action, died of wounds or disease during the South African War 1899-1902

1st Battalion

Major Massey

Captains T W Milward and W A Hebden

Lts F N Parsons VC  and H L Matthews

Second Lt A B Coddingham and G A D F Cunningham

Sgt Major C Fowler

QMS C Brewster

Sergeants W Franklin, C Plowden, R P Cogdale, A French, T Desborough and F Nunn

Lance Sgts T Mason and F Southgate

Corporals C Walsham, T Cooper, A Suckling, A Trickey, A Blanks and F Chilvers

Lance Corporals H Wright, J Scudder, W Whittaker, J Dudley, J Gandy, G F Smith , A C Johnson, H A banks, W King, J bailey, C Stokes, W Wallace, T Sargeant and J King

Drummers J T Soughan, A Riste, T Martin and A Bowgett

Privates H Houchin, W H Aldridge, T Young, A Cardy, A E Saltmarsh, T lake, W Welham, G Pearce, J Morgan, J Wollard, A Cook, C Emberson, G C Field, A Sell, E Kemp, D Weller, G Mansfield, J Kettle, A Kettle, W Considine, J Kelly, W Newell, G Brazier, G Noble, J Cleary, S Pryke, T eaton. A parker, J Attridge, J Howland, H Perks, F Purkiss, C Ward, F Wand, J Ennals, H Marshall, J Crow, V Kettle, G Seaman, E Williams, H Devenish, J Brady, G Barrick, A Wentworth, J Chapman, T McLeod, M Davitt, A Underwood, J Hennesby, C Harris, T Collier, W R Lowe, J Rodgers, J barker, E Gurton, F Cambridge, W Woodwards, G Digby, F Mansfield, G Godden, R A Gander, T Norris, W Clarke, A Thear, C Arthey, T Swallow, G Saine, W Crabb, G Hills, A Weston, J Doe, W Tatum, A Miller, C Barker, H Willis, F Bull, W Manning, J Gentry, W Logsdale, T kendle, E Attwood, C barker, R Kettle, W Symonds, H Brown, A Murphy and C Flight.

2nd Battalion

Seregant J Reed

Cpl J Tobias

L Cpl's R Sherwood and E Stalley

Privates J Walsh, F Swan, W H Bewers, W Smith, J Lewis, C Olfen, C Tofts, J Payne, W Cakenbread, A Blythe, A V Melton, J Gason, G Campan, H Aubury and E Wright

Mounted Infanrty Companies

Col Sgt T Patient

Sgt W Harbridge

Cpls H Jordan, W H Benton and H Revelle

L Cpls J H Pyner and A Tindall

Privates H Childs , G Gregg, R Doe, H Newman, W Clover, H W Northcombe, W Hoy, W Morgan, A Peck, G Boggas, J Shelley, A Salmon, J Bailey, R Jones and S C Saich

3rd Battalion

Cpl W Scale

L Cpl H Ebbudd

Privates W Ruggles, D Dunt, A Newton, H Bentinck, J Auker, A Long, A Field, H Reynolds, T Hooton, KJ Keeble, G Lodger, C Gibson and H Smith

4th Battalion

L Cpl W Miller

Privates J Harknert, W B Gadson, R Paynter, G Carwell, W Suggins, A Wood, E Nott, G Jamieson and J Scanlon

Special Service Companies ( Volunteer Battalions)

Col Sgt W Bolden

Sgt A Miller

L Col J R Rogers

Privates A Courtney, A A Perkins, A J Scott , A H Brown, F York, W Ward, F J Chester, A Howe, C Brown, J Penson, J Bagges, J E Chadwell and W O Hyett

Monument Moved

With redevopement of Market Lane the memorial was moved to Bell Meadow, Chlemsford where is it currently sited