Private 6009084 Joseph Edward Mott GC


Joseph Edward Mott was born on 30 March 1914 at Stepney to Joseph and Ada Mott although the family moved to Litchfield Road, Dagenham where Joseph attended Stevens Street School.

When Joseph was old enough he joined the 4th Essex Territorial Regiment as a young soldier and once he reach 18 years of age he joined the regular Battalions of the Essex Regiment.

In October 1936 the 1st Battalion, Essex Regiment were posted to Palestine which at the time was suffering a great deal of terrorism with violence between Arabs and Jews.

On Christmas day 1937 Joseph was enjoying a day off with some of his regimental colleagues in a cafe/bar at Haifa. The cafe was packed with at least 60 servicemen when a terrorist approached and threw a bomb into the cafe. Joseph reacted quickly and picked the bomb up throwing it into the street where it exploded. Thanks to his braveness and quick action there were no serious injuries in a situation that would have resulted in many deaths.

The London Gazette dated 31 March 1938 recorded the award of an Empire Gallantry Medal with the following citation - On 25 December 1937 a bomb was thrown into a cafe in Haifa which was crowded with soldiers and civilians. The bomb fell at the feet of Private Mott who was seated at a table with other men from his Battalion . With the utmost coolness and presence of mind he picked it up and hurled it through the window just before it exploded with great violence.

In 1940 the Empire Gallantry Medal was discontinued and was replaced by the George Cross.

Despite being wounded in 1941, Joseph fought his way through the Second World war mainly in the middle East and India and finally retired from the army in 1946.

Joseph settled in retirement in Essex with his wife Doris until he died on 12 January 1983 and was alter cremated at Upminster Crematorium, Essex.