Conditions of Service 1901

In 1901 Lt Colonel Colvin, who was Commanding Officer of the Imperial Yeomanry, published the conditions of service for members of the Yeomanry in Essex.


Yeoman are liable to service in the United Kingdom only.

The term of service is for three years.

Should a Yeoman be compelled to leave before the expiration of that time, the following scale of payments is enforced to assist in covering the loss to the Regiment.

Under 1 years service - 5 Pounds

Under 2 years service - 3 Pounds

Under 3 years service - 2 Pounds

Over 3 years service - Nil

No payment of any description is required on enrolment.


The following are the duties expected of a Yeoman each year, with pay where specified.

Recruits- 12 squad drills ( before training if possible)

Trained Yeomen - 6 squad drills on foot and 3 mounted drills also an annual course of Musketry, for which pay is allowed at 3 shillings, and a maximum of 6 shillings per man for railway expenses to the range for the annual course of musketry.


Pay is at the rate of 5 shillings and six pence per day and 1 shilling and 6 pence for horse forage for each trooper.

Non Commissioned Officers from 10 shillings and six pence to seven shillings and six pence per day with one shilling and six pence per day for forage.

Annual Training

This takes place between 1st May and 30 September, at the time best suiting the Members of the Regiment, for 14 clear days.

Horse at the training

Provided free by Government, or five pounds allowed to any man who brings a horse with him.


A sum not exceeding three shillings and six pence per day may be granted for six months, in case of injury to a Yeoman whilst on duty, and a sum not exceeding thirty pounds for the loss of a horse in the actual performance of duty.

Yeomen in uniform travelling on duty can procure return tickets at single fare for man and horse.

Uniform and Equipment

The uniform is provided free and will , subject to War Office approval, consist of a dark green cap, dark green dress frock with red facings, field service green serge frock, Bedford cord breeches, gaiters and brown ankle boots, tan gloves, putties, jack spurs, overalls, wellington boots and spurs.

Arms, saddlery, accoutrements, cloak and haversack are also supplied free.


These will be held in different parts of the county at times and places most convenient to members of the Regiment.

Non Efficiency

A Yeoman who does not make himself efficient( See duties) is required to make good the Government allowance thereby lost to the Regiment.

In case of sickness preventing the performance of annual training and the necessary drills, attendance at 3 squad drills and the annual course of musketry will relieve the Yeoman from payment of the above, provided a medical certificate is sent in to Headquarters at Colchester before annual training commences.


According to existing regulations a recruit has to fire on his recruit course in addition to the trained Yeoman's course, for efficiency. This is a most important part of the Yeoman's training, and special facilities will be provided to enable members to attend rifle ranges.


All conditions and statements herein set forth are of course subject to Government modification and alteration at such times and in such a manner as the Authorities may think fit.

By order of R B Colvin CB

Lieut-Colonel Commanding


November 1901